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Index >> News >> Method of conveyor belt repair

Method of conveyor belt repair

Date:2019-06-24 14:44:57 Hits:3748

During the use of the conveyor belt, various damages are inevitable. For example, various strips of tools are mixed during the transportation process, which may be embedded in the conveyor belt at any time to cause longitudinal splitting. (especially on tubular conveyor belts and steel wire conveyor belts) or the use of mechanical belts to fall off, the rollers are damaged, the steel cord core is exposed, and the blanking baffle is broken, causing the conveyor belt to run off, which can cause longitudinal tearing of the conveyor belt. . It is relatively easy to repair the above defects with a rubber repair agent, which is faster and more economical than vulcanization repair. The rubber repairing agent is a pre-polymerized compound. It is a two-component liquid at normal temperature. It is self-vulcanized into polyurethane rubber after mixing in proportion. It is solidified at room temperature and has good adhesion to the conveyor belt and metal body. The body has high elasticity and high wear resistance. Sex and high toughness.

The repair process is divided into three steps:

Surface treatment. The purpose of the surface treatment is to better bond the repair agent to the conveyor belt skeleton. Grinding the crack into a 60-90 degree groove and clearing the surface is the key to successful repair. According to the damage condition, the operation should be cut into different cutting edges. It is best to use a grinding wheel to clean and clean with a cleaning solution (such as acetone).

Adjust the glue. The liquid is used as a repairing agent, and the resin and the curing agent are mixed in proportion, stirred uniformly, and applied to the broken mouth. Generally, the curing time is from a few minutes to ten minutes. The repair work must be completed before curing. The groove should be larger so that the repair agent can glue the unbroken cover.

 Health curing. The repairing agent self-vulcanizes in the groove to obtain its physical and chemical properties and adhesion to the substrate. Generally, it is several hours to several days at normal temperature, and the first few hours are basic vulcanization, which can reach 70%-80% of complete curing, and can reach 90% in 24 hours a day. When the ambient temperature rises, the curing time is significantly shortened, so it is necessary to add insulation or warming measures during outdoor construction in winter.

The connection and repair of the conveyor belt can be mechanized and automated tools such as stripping machine, opening machine, chamfering machine, grinding machine and baking machine, which are produced in China. With the application of nanotechnology, ceramic MM-synthetic rubber 95 was found, which can repair damaged conveyor belts immediately; MM-SS steel ceramics can repair cracks in racks and rollers.

